Beauty Round-Up



HEART TO HEART | ✴New Year's Resolutions✴

Hey everyone! They say that if you write your goals down, you're more likely to achieve them. I'm a bit late doing this but, better late than never right? Hopefully my resolutions encourage you to make your own or stick to it if you made yours already! I'll come back and check them off as I complete them. Maybe I could do monthly updates to monitor myself.

  1. Update the blog on time. I was pretty good doing bi-weekly posts until the finals season and the holiday season packing a double whammy, the time just slipped right on by. I'll do my best to prepare ahead of time to have some posts ready to go in case of emergencies. :)
  2. Increase the number of posts per week. Going off the previous resolution, I want to do 3 posts per week. It was nice to start off with 2 posts per week since it's my first time blogging but I have so many things I want to share with y'all that adding an extra one would help greatly. I was nervous about finding the time to blog but I think I can handle 3 posts per week.
  3. Limit procrastinating my work. If I hadn't mentioned it before, I'm a  3rd year in university so I'm nearing my graduation (eek!). I have just declared my major (shoutout to all my Gender and Women's Studies majors out there!) and I just really need to keep my stuff on track! I know that it's hard to stop procrastinating but I'm definitely going to make use of my whiteboard monthly calendar for the small things and my agenda for long term things.
  4. Be more adventurous. Everyone that knows me knows that I am a hypochondriac worry-wart. I never take steps outside of my shell and so I want to do things that are slightly outside of my comfort limits, like eating at different restaurants or trying out new things (like rock climbing!). I went snowboarding and rock climbing for the first time last year--and survived both incidents while having lots of fun and aches the next day lol. This year,  I want to try out more things that I normally wouldn't.
  5. Keep a "Pocket/Journal Full of Sunshine" Journal. So that's a working name but Bubzbeauty gave me an idea to write down what I'm grateful for at the end of every day. I feel like we get caught up  in looking at what everyone else has and taking things for granted and so I feel like this would be a great thing to do. At the end of the year, looking back at all you've done or things you're grateful for would be such a nice reflection. I have a journal that my friend gave me a long time ago for my birthday present but I'm having a hard time looking for it. If I can't find it, I'll have to go look for a pretty one somewhere :)
  6. Be healthier. I've done really well this year with my diet (even lost a little weight!) but now I want to incorporate more exercise. I lack coordination of any kind and so I think I'm going to stick to running and playing catch because those are the only kinds of exercise that interests me and doesn't feel like complete torture lol. I also got into Just Dance (really want to get JD2014 but too expensive right now) and that was super fun so I think with these, I'll hopefully be on my way to a more toned body!
  7. Be more attentive to the people around me. I'm sort of an introvert and I get lost in my own world for days on end, neglecting to speak my roommates sometimes. I'm going to make more of an effort to talk with them, as well as keeping in contact with my friends back home. Also, I'm going to try calling my parents every week or so to let them know I'm alive and that I haven't disappeared or anything. 
  8. Take better care of my hair. I'm blessed with smooth and silky hair (don't mean to rub it in or anything) and I don't really do anything to manage it. However, it does get oily very quickly and I have split ends often. So, to combat those, I'm going to use conditioner to help maintain the length and silky-ness. Hair oil is too heavy for my hair so hopefully, conditioner will help maintain the hydration and reduce the static-ky hair I am often plagued with. 
  9. Improve my skin condition. Now I don't have the worst skin ever, but I do get a lot  of blemishes that seem to be stuck underneath the skin, taking forever to come to a head and when they do, it's painful and white, leaving behind a hyperpigmentation mark once it decides to check out. Since I never really know when they decide to come up, I'm going to stick to my skincare regimen to prevent my pores form getting clogged in the first place. I'm typically combination skin but lately, my skin is kind of normal/dry, especially dry on the forehead and nose (which surprisingly, is oily as heck in the summer). That means it's time to listen to my skin instead of just using the same products over and over.
  10. Get rid of things I don't need/use. I'm a major pack rat (I admit it). It's really hard for me to get rid of packaging that comes with my makeup products or cleaning up my room. I hoard makeup products as well (I don't really need 10 mascaras >.<) and clothes so I'm going to make an effort to limit the clothes and makeup I buy to essentials or things I'd really use/wear often. I think committing to doing an empties post every month might encourage me to use up my products instead of letting them sit there and accumulate dust. I feel bad about throwing away makeup products that still have quite a bit left, especially when they don't work out for me, but maybe I can repurpose them into something else! Also, rotating my makeup and clothes would help me see them and use them more often (out of sight, out of mind is high my brain works >.<) I just rid of a ton of clothes from my closet and am ready to head to Goodwill with them soon, so I'm already starting on this one! Hopefully, I can get rid of some makeup and other things and I'll be good to go!
So these are the ten things I promise to do this year! They are simple and easy but we'll see how I do at the end :) Share some of your resolutions with me if you'd like and we can encourage one another to be our best self. ♡

MWAH Musings ♡
  • I'm going to eat sushi with my friend for her birthday in a couple of days. I've never eaten there before but I discovered I really like sushi, especially the Dragon Roll, and can't wait to try this place out. I haven't eaten at a bad sushi place yet and I'm hoping this place won't disappoint!
  • I really need to pack up my books so that I can make room for new furniture. Since I'm not at home for most of the year, my mom is repurposing my room into a sewing room for herself (which I'm sad at but I know she'll make good use of this room). I gotta clear them up before she clears them in the blue recycling bin for me!
  • Stila is having a Phased Out Favorites Sale and I see a couple of items I really want to get, especially the After Glow Lip Colors. When I first saw them, I really wanted to get them but they were so expensive. Now, they're only $9 a piece and so it's hard for me to resist. I'm trying to justify that I use lip crayons a lot more since they're convenient to carry around and they last longer than creamy lipstick, but I don't really need need them. Gah, decisions, decisions... 

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Disclosure Statement: All products mentioned were purchased with my own money. I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned above and was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own. Links are not affiliate links and are provided for the readers' convenience. 

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